Three friends pose on the street

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Three friends pose on the street

My cover photo illustrates the theme of this blog: WHERE? WHEN? WHAT? and finally WHO.

This photo, found in my maternal grandparents' albums, could have been taken in Salonika (Greece after 1912) or Czernowitz (now Ukraine), or anywhere else for that matter. You can see a mountain in the distance, or a tramway.

The date seems to be in the 1930s, pre-war if the protagonists' clothes are anything to go by.

Three people pose: a man in a leather coat with a hat and cane, and two elegantly dressed women (without hats). They are on the street near an outdoor store and café. A number of people are seated in the background, on an arterial road with low-rise buildings.

I can't identify any of these three people. Are they friends? Are they family?

On the back of this plate, absolutely nothing. I won't be getting any help from this side. But the help of the community can be invaluable if they can identify the location or some of the other details in the photo.

Trois amis posent dans la rue


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